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Game Compatibility

You will need to have Elite: Dangerous' only DLC, Odyssey bought and installed in order to start the game in Elite: Dangerous Odyssey version.


Welcome to Odyssey

Welcome to Elite: Dangerous Odyssey. This is the expansion package for on-foot content in the game, Elite: Dangerous. Let's look at the first steps you will take as a commander with on-foot access. The game puts you into their Holo Me character builder. (1)

  1. Holo Me Saves

    Just note that Holo Me characters do not correspond to individual commander save files. You can have multiple Holo Me characters loadouts for one individual commander save file.

The game will then put you into their tutorial gameplay. It is not necessary to complete this tutorial, but you will learn how to use some very basic gameplay mechanics. After completing this tutorial, or being absolutely confident in your First Person Shooter abilities and skipping the tutorial, the game will put you in a station called Chamberlain's Rest in the HIP 97950 system. The game will loan you a free Sidewinder ship to start with. (1)

  1. Prebuilt Ships

    The game will also give you the options of pre-built ships which instead of spending in-game currency, you can buy these pre-built ships with ARX currency. ARX is a cosmetic currency that is earned passively in the game by doing activities, or it can be purchased with money from the game's ARX store.

Chamberlain's Rest, HIP 97950

Chamberlain's Rest is a planetary starport in the system HIP 97950. This will be your starting point station and system. HIP 97950 is a permit-locked system controlled by the Pilot's Federation as a system for pilots who are rankless.

Looking around the Station

Every station will have a lounge area. In Elite: Dangerous, we call it the "concourse". You'll notice for Chamberlain's Rest, there is an upper section, and a lower section with different shops and services. Let's take a look around the station.

Upper Section of the Station

  • Hanger Elevators

    At the very back of the concourse area, you will see tube-like doors. These are elevators that accesses your ships. It is also the accessway when disembarking from the hanger bay to the concourse.

    Apex Services

    Directly in front of you from the elevators, you will see a service shop on your left. This is the Apex Interstellar, a limited taxi service by demand, that is able to shuttle you between stations within the same system, or shuttle you to a destination in another populated system.

    Apex Interstellar shuttles will require you to pay a small fee for however long the shuttle flies for. Apex shuttles can also be called to rescue you if you find your ship destroyed while exploring systems or planets that are within reach of apex's range.

    Accessing the elevators to your Apex shuttles can be located by walking past the service desk, turning left and crossing the bridge to the left of the station.

    Frontline Services

    Frontline Solutions are a free-lance enlistment service that fulfills contracts by having the player enlist in joining a side if the system is experiencing a conflict between two factions. Frontier Solutions will fly out dropships to settlements in conflict, redeploy the player is they sustain critical injuries on the battelfield, and then fly back to the station.

    Accessing the elevators to your Frontier dropship can be located by walking past the enlistment table, turning right and crossing the bridge to the right of the station.

Lower Section of the Station

  • Pioneer Services

    Pioneer Supplies is a market service where you are able to purchase weapons and suits. This is located near the bottom of the left staircase of the concourse. This is where you can buy fancy suits and weapons.

    This is where you are able to buy consumeables (1) as well. You may also be able to find rare and unique, pre-engineered or upgraded suits from other stations. (2) Pioneer Supplies will also be able to upgrade your suit and weapons, provided that you have sufficient materials gathered for each grade upgrade.

    1. Consumeables such as; Health Packs, Energy Packs, Grenades and E-breaches can be purchased here. You can only find E-breaches in stations controlled by a faction with Anarchy or Communism government types.

    2. Pre-engineered suits and weapons are unique, meaning once it is bought, they disappear for everyone. Pre-engineered will always re-appear after server maintenance, which always happen on Thursdays 7:00 AM UTC.

    Shipyard Services

    Inter Astra is the service where you are able to make ship purchases, recall stored ships and call ships stored in other stations by administering deliveries. This service is located near the middle of the concourse.

    If this is your first time accessing the Inter Astra, you will be prompted to start the Horizons ship flying tutorial, where you will be taught how to pilot your ship.

    Bartender Services

    Towards the middle of the concourse, you will see a bar. The bar will not serve you drinks, but instead, they will offer to trade materials that you have gathered. (1)

    1. Assets that you gathered can only be traded for other assets. Goods and Data can only be sold for credits.

    Genomics Services

    Towards the opposite side of the Pioneer Supplies, you will see a service called Vista Genomics. Vista Genomics is a service to sell exobiology organic data samples. You will need an Artemis Suit to sample organic exobiology data.

Throughout the Concourse

  • Computer Utilities

    Station Computers are a great way of accessing the system's factions and their missions, station services such as administrative contacts and accessing personal suit and weapon loadouts.

    Computer Menu

    Station Menus

    • Mission Board provides you a list of available missions for all factions based on reputation, threat level and mission type. Missions that are completed can be collected from the Completed Missions tab.
    • Administrative Contacts allows you to pay off fines and bounties you may incur while exploring a system, there may be stations with interstellar factors where you are able to pay off any fine or bounty at a premium.
    • Loadout allows you to edit your personal loadout, edit your Holo Me character, and access vehicle extras and pre-built ships.

    Mission Personnel

    Mission Givers are unique personnel that gives missions however you may negotiate rewards, threat level access and mission objectives.

    Negotating a Mission

    The amount of negotiation play depends on your reputation with that personnel's faction. The higher the reputation, the more negotiating room you will have with this mission giver. If the negotation fails, the mission giver will not offer anymore missions for a while. Negotations will affect pay, reputation, rewards and rank up.